Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fun Filled Parenting, Silvana Clark

This is a great and easy to read book. In fact I read it in one day. I think Silvana best said when she wrote, "Children need a light-hearted atmosphere at home", Page 14. Children (and adults) are submerged in a high-stress, high-demand, sin saturated, broken-down, uncertain world. They need a place to relax, recuperate, and enjoy. A place they can be what God created them to be - children. Free from the stress and standards of the world system. We as adults need this place too. This book, along with Real World Parents has become one of my current favorites. I think that every parent needs to own a copy - pick one up for a shower gift today or as a Mother's Day gift. What better gift than a reminder that we all need to relax and remember our life is but a vapor and should be enjoyed day by day to it's fullest.
Thank you Regal for this review copy.

1 comment:

  1. Abbie,
    What a surprise to see this review. Glad you liked the book. Thanks!
