Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heading Home, Renee Riva

This is a great fiction book about "coming home". I do not prefer books written in first person unless it is journaling, but still found this to be well-written and enjoyable. It is suitable for all teens to read (which is nice). A story of childhood love and the real-world struggle of discovering the path God has for an individual. You are invited into the life of the main character as she searches for God's design and purpose for her life after turning 18 and returning to her childhood home. I don't know of anyone at this age who would not appreciate this story - what is love? - what is my purpose? - what do I do with my life?...These all must be answered. Through this book you see the handiwork of God's design and purpose, all laid out, when we are obedient to his call.
Thank you B&B Communication for this review copy.

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