Sunday, August 8, 2010

Captured by Grace, David Jeremiah

What a wonderful book. In the first pages my mind was captivated as I imagined the believers gathered in the home, and the shattering of the door as their enemy burst in to take them captive. Even more intriguing was the image of enemy as he feels the presence of something pursuing him – Elohim – the I AM, the ultimate giver of grace. This book takes the reader on a journey to experience the richness and vastness of grace. Grace - the extraordinary answer of Elohim to a sinful, undeserving mankind. Grace – the unexpected, the one thing that heals, changes, sets free, turns worlds & lives upside down just to rebuild them on solid ground, and bring beauty to that which is otherwise ruined. This book offers a life-changing look at grace. If you can’t see it in your world right now you will after you read this book. The author points a vivid picture of grace like none I’ve read before (outside the scripture). Come face to face with grace: the self-less often sacrificial act of giving what is undeserved without any expectation of reward, recompense, ore response. Prompted from the depths of a heart filled with mercy, compassion, and love in order to restore another to faith, rescue on from the depths of sin, or to release one from bondage. The ultimate grace giver is Jesus Christ – the pursuer of our hearts – the footsteps we hear as we trod through our life before salvation. An encounter with grace results in change and that is clearly showed in the stories of this book.
Thank you booksneeze for this review copy

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