Thursday, January 27, 2011

Extra Edge Preteen DVD Year 1

My kids love this! With the words on the screen you are able to create a great worship in song service in your classroom or in your living room. What an excellent way to worship God as a family and have fun doing it. This is a great lead into bible study. When children learn to sing before the Lord they learn a new aspect of worship that involves movement and excitement – that is unrestrained and inviting. They are invited to experience God outside of the limits of bible memory work and sitting still for bible stories. The great thing is that for these songs it is easy to find many applicable bible lessons. So tie them in with what you are teaching. If you have a theme for the week let them practice one or two songs over the week. Song is such an excellent way to internalize the truth. The world knows this that is why we have MTV and such – the enemy is after the musical part of our being. Words set to music are easy to remember and often hard to get out of ones head – this in turn influences ones thinking and decisions making. Why not take the initiative now to attack this front head on with this effective, fun resource to help your children internalize God’s truth and set it as a standard echoing in their ears and beating in their hearts? Thank you Gospel Light for this review copy.

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