Friday, August 12, 2011

Saving My First Kiss, why I'm keeping confetti in my closet, Lisa Velthouse

After reading only the first chapter I got on the phone and started calling my friends! This is a book that everyone needs. It ranks right up there with Lady In Waiting. I will be giving it as gifts to friends who have daughters.

This is one of those life-changing books. In today's society girls are pushed into the dating scene. Pressured to be what everyone is and to do what everyone else is doing. Statistics show a rise in sexual promiscuity and at a younger age. In fact I am surprised at the pressure my grade school girl has felt for not having a "boyfriend". Too often girls that go dateless are made to feel worthless - the two words have almost become alike in today's culture.

Lisa Velthouse gives us a book that is so encouraging and uplifting. She shares her personal story a journey of feeling left out to being completely satisfied. Help your young daughter become centered in God's word and in her identity in Him. In the end at the alter she will present to her spouse the most perfect gift - and she will have the satisfaction of having followed God's design.

Thank you Gospel Light for this review copy.

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