The Women of Faith conference is one that brings women of all walks of life together in one dynamic setting. You can not walk through the doors of the building with out feeling the charge of electricity in the air, the anticipation of those around you longing to see God's presences it is a place where hearts are changed, lives made new, wounds healed and the power of the Lord is seen unleashed.
This year was no different: onstage renowned Women of Faith stood to speak God's Word and to edify those in the auditorium. Mandisa's voice and passionate faith echoed off the walls as she sang songs from the depths of her soul. Sandi Patty and Amy Grant shared from their deep wells of song and blessed anyone in the building. Songs from the deeper places of their hearts, born out of their experience with God and His loving hand in their lives poured from them - and in these songs women's hearts were broken at the rich beauty of God's love, they felt the healing streams of God's pure and refreshing mercy. In these moments of worship the veil between heaven and earth was thinned and voices were lifted unashamed and unhindered by religious rules or staunch tradition. In these times it was what author Margeret Harrell Wells would call a thin place - she might ought to have attended such an event while writing her book Pressing into Thin Places.
As for the speakers: Everyone of the Women who spoke did so with a great and evident faith in the One Mighty God. Through their words the bible and all its glory was opened and was seen for what it really is - a living, flowing stream of water. In these lessons no woman left the same. For it is impossible to sit under the anointed teaching of the Lord and not be changed or renewed in some small way. The electricity passed from one lady to the next, the Holy Spirit was completely unleashed to work the wonders of the Lord. Some women sat in tears at times, others were moved to clap and yet others sat and felt for the first time the burdens they were carrying be lifted from them and their once bowed frame was straight. In the presence of the Lord lives are changed - the Lord demands a response from the heart.
Absolutely a life changing event. I encourage all who have never attended to go. Women, a revival can take place if we all fall into line with God's will - if we all find the healing He is laying out for us - If we all find a safe place of worship to tap into the deep well of love that God has placed in each of us. This is a place where we can come together free of the hindrances of religion and tradition, a place where we can focus only on the Lord, a place of refreshment, renewal, healing - a place of life changes.
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