Friday, December 2, 2011

Live Reflectively and Live Abundantly , Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose

Live Reflectively: A study of the book of Ephesians and Live Abundantly: Lessons from the Watershed (Moses) are both excellent devotions.

I like the fact that the books were a little wider than the average book allowing space for journaling and jotting down thoughts or additional scripture (or things that you might want to work on). Though they say that this is a 20 minute devotional I think most people will find that it can last a lot longer than that. The actual devotional is short however it is followed with questions for reflection and with additional scripture. I thought this was unique to this devotional as it really pushes the reader into the scriptures instead of taking the devotional as is. The format causes the reader to really take time on self-reflection and searching the scripture. I believe this type of study will help a Christian get the meat of the scripture instead of the milky watered down version of diluted scripture in devotional story telling style. Both of these studies will bring about growth and maturity as well as cause a reader to ask more questions and there by search the scriptures more. The questions make it easy to apply the scripture and devotion to ones self.

I have really enjoyed these and will be recommending them to the ladies of our church.

Thanks to B&B Communications for this review copy.

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