Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mo Wren, Lost and Found, Tricia Springstubb

This is a modern Ramona story - it is absolutely enjoyable on all levels. A great chapter book for early to mid-elementary age students to read. This is a classic in the making.

The antics and adventures of Mo Wren will keep any child's attention just as Beverly Cleary did with her books. This little girl is always up to something or into something making each page an exciting page to read.

I especially liked the fact that this book deals with a child's hopes and fears. Children who read this will be able to relate to Mo as she begins a new journey in life and moves from the home that she has grown up and and loved for so long. From a house on a street to a home in a building Mo is up for many challenges and changes. Too often young children feel they are alone in their fears and dissapointments when the things they hoped for and loved change. In this book children are invited along to travel with Mo as she faces these things and sees that life is full of change, challenge, a little fear and lots of laughs.

This book was provided free of charge by the author in exchange for an honest review. Visit the author at her website at

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