Monday, June 3, 2013

Praying God's Word for Your Life, Kathi Lipp

This book came into my life at a great time - but then God's timing is always the best for all things. Kathi Lipp has written an excellent book on prayer for busy woman. Finding time to pray seems so difficult when a mother rolls out of bed to the cries of an infant and a "to-do" list that seems to never end. It seems when she steps out of bed the automatic thing to do is begin looking at the check list: fix breakfast, clean the kitchen, dress the kids for the day, pick up the house, run errands, cook lunch, clean the kitchen, laundry, cleaning, fix dinner, clean the kitchen, baths, homework, bedtime - and the list goes on and on. I was impressed with how personal this author was in relating to the real-world woman and mom. She acknowledges the unique challenges women face in trying to be disciplined in their prayer lives. I really enjoyed her suggestions of how to set aside that time and keep it protected. The other challenge to effective prayer time is the fact that many of us approach the Lord with a laundry list of things: we pray for others, we pray for sickness, we pray for needs but so often we fail to pray His Word back to Him. Kathi Lipp not only helps by giving ideas on how to develop prayer time but she also gives an entire list of specific things to pray for. The topics include things like relationships, worries, mistakes, faith and so much more. Kathi teaches the reader how to pray God's word by giving different scriptures and examples of prayer. I think this book is a great book to read daily and work through. Thanks to Revell for this review copy.

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