Friday, June 14, 2013

The Cinderella Rule, Bethany Jett

As a mother of a preteen girl, a Pastor's wife, and a youth worker - I am impressed with the quality of this book. It is not about shaming a girl into a "modest" life style, nor does it make this life-style seems so odd. Bethany relates to the reader as if she is talking to a close friend and sharing her deepest thoughts and ideas on a very difficult subject to talk about. Without being "preachy" or religious this author lays out the foundational truths of God's Word regarding dating, modesty and other related topics. She helps young girls to realize and embrace their value in God and not to settle for the world's definition of love. In today's over-sexualized world it is becoming increasingly difficult for young ladies to find good material regarding dating, sex, self-image, modest, etc. This book is just that. It would be perfect for a mother/daughter study time or just as appropriate in a young girls (teen) small group study. Young women need to be reminded of God's plan and design and they need to be encouraged as they walk a very difficult road at times. Bethany Jett has done an excellent job. I hope to see more studies and books written by this very sweet author. Thanks to Gospel Light for this review copy.

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