Monday, July 15, 2013

Couples of The Bible, Robert & Bobbie Wolgemuth

A unique one year devotional for couples all about couples found in the bible. I enjoyed the fact that these were not just the most well-known couples but a cross section of couples through out the bible. Each week is focused on one couple of the bible, each day a different subject regarding these couples. On Monday is a section called "Their Story" this gives a little history of the couple, the meaning of names, their character, their challenge, their outcome, and a key scripture. This is a time to study their story and what it means for you. On Tuesday is a section called "Their Life and Times" this brings into perspective what unique challenges they were facing, what was going on at that time in history. On Wednesday is the section "Can You Imagine" this allows the reader to contemplate certain challenges or blessings that each couple faced. On Thursday the section is "Their Legacy in Scripture" this breaks down what this couple has left behind for the following generations...I believe this to be a challenge to the present generation and those reading to aspire to leave a lasting legacy that shines Christ. Some of the couples studied fell far from this and therefor should be used as a lesson of what not to do. Friday is called a "Legacy of Prayer". This is a wonderful opportunity for couples to further explore the word of God and the lasting impact that their marriage will have on the future generations. It is often difficult to find interesting and fun devotionals for couples to study together, this is one that fits the bill. Thanks to Booksneeze for this review copy

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