Thursday, September 26, 2013

Moral Revolution, Kris Vallotton & Jason Vallotton

Why wait till your married?? Why the message of "True Love Waits or abstain from sex"? In this book the authors introduce the subject of purity in a matter of fact way that brings it home to every teen. It is not simply a book about purity - rather it is a call to a radical lifestyle that impacts those around you. Most teens are bombarded on one side to have sex because just about every secular source is filled with sexual messages. While on the other side they are hammered with the message of abstinence with little explanation or understanding of the true root of the this banner cry. This book takes a good look at what sexual purity is and why it is essential to the Christian walk. This book is not about making a teen feel guilty about the sexual feelings that people have but rather it empowers them to see that these desires and feelings originated with God for a specific time in their life to be shared with one person. The open honest and friendly writing style makes this book an easy read for any teen. They will not feel that they are being forced into a movement but rather they will learn to identify God's purpose for sex. They will begin to see that they hold something sacred, valuable, and precious and a desire to protect that will emerge. Abstaining from sex is more a life style driven out of a passion to follow and love Christ above all else. Thank You Regal for this review copy.

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