Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Daily Pursuit, AW Tozer

Always inspiring, always convicting, always pointing the reader or the listener to God. AW Tozer lived his life pursuing God with all he had. His faithful and persistent pursuit of truth led him to preach and write of the mysteries of God. I am amazed at the prophetic words this man spoke and wrote over 50 years ago. Still today they resonate within the hearts of believers, and they cause the Christian to hunger after God in new ways. His message of 50 years ago still applies today - proving that God's Word is a living Word and surpasses the standards of time. If you are looking for something fresh for the new year. IF you are looking for a devotional that will challenge and inspire you - one that will push you to the edge and beyond of your comfort zone - one that will cause you to seek the presence and person of God himself then this is the one for you. As I scanned the entire book and set down to study what I could before this review was to go out I was amazed. Tozer is an author that speaks to a Christians heart. I have often read his works and imagined what it must have been like to sit in his church and hear these words echo off the walls of that sanctuary. To see the people begin to move in the pews and to feel the Holy Spirit press down and move people to action. Yes, Tozer is that type of man. A student of the Word who pursued God with a passion that would be intoxicating to be around. I encourage you to pick up a copy of this devotional and be changed - to experience God in a new and wonderful way. Thanks to Regal for this review copy.

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