Saturday, March 19, 2011

You are a Gift to the World/The World is a Gift to You, Laura Duksta

This flip-sided book is wonderful. The front side is titled "You are a Gift to the World" and tells about all the wonderful ways that children are a gift to this world. The other side reminds us how many wonderful gifts are given to us this world. This book is a beautiful reminder that the best gifts aren't bought, made, or pre-thought they are the very things that make life more precious. The most treasured gifts ought to be the things that we seem to take for granted most: laughter, song, smiles, trees, flowers, animals, waterfalls, clouds. Both books end the same way "You are a gift to the world and the world is a gift to you. So as you travel through life, you see all the ways it's true." Laura Duksta has done an impressive job with this children's book. What a wonderful way to let your child know how very special and unique they are!
Thank you Sourcebook for this review copy.

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