Friday, May 13, 2011

Victory over Darkness, (Book and Study Guide) Neil T. Anderson

Plagued by doubt, burdened by fear, held captive by worry, trudging in the darkness of depression, shackled by the shame of the past, uncertain of your true identity? Are you searching for the confirmation of who you are - wondering what it is that defines you?

Discover who you are in Christ - open the pages of this book, and study the work book. This darkness and doubt that presses on the human race can be brushed away. Christ has called each of us to a life of victory free of the burdens of the past, courageous in the battle field for our souls, strong against the forces of evil. In this book the reader is taught to find their identity in Christ. Anderson explores what God truly thinks about each of us. He uses the scripture to shed light on the dark places of bondage in the readers life and challenges readers to confront the lies of the enemy - to no longer be defined by the lies but to embrace their identity in Christ. He further instructs readers on how to use scripture to form a firm foundation on which to build and renew their lives - leading to ultimate victory over the enemy.

Thank you Gospel Light for this review Copy.

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