Friday, October 28, 2011

Sunrise on the Battery, Beth Webb Hart

Mary Lynn Scoville and her husband Jackson has achieved the climb up the social ladder in Charleston. Everything seems to be going just the way she wants - the perfect, successful husband, beautiful and talented children, wealth a large house and invitations to the elite parties. Then it all begins to change. As Mary Lynn begins to go to church she has an encounter with Christ and begins to live the typical "good Christian-girl" life. Knowing Christ, but not completely sold out, she asks for prayer that her husband Jackson, who long ago wrote God off, would come to a saving knowledge and a change of life. Little did she realize that this prayer would turn her perfectly perfect worldly life upside down - as is the case a lot of the time when there is a true experience with Jesus.

This is the novel "In His Steps" modernized with the principles of the book Radical combined. It is truly an inspiration to those who are asked to give up everything in the face of a radical change. What is it that you are holding on to that you don't think you could give up? Mary Lynn is about to discover that abundant life has nothing to due with what she has come to value, but will she discover it before it is too late?

Thank you B&B Communications for this review copy.

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