Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shattered Dreams, Larry Crabb

Who hasn't experienced shattered dreams - moments when our lives feel as if they are falling off their axis, spinning out of control, crashing down at our feet. Who hasn't found themselves devastated and broken, spilled out and hurting, desperate for restoration and redemtpion. What is happiness- True contentment - Security - Blessing? Where does one find these things in this broken and stained world filled with disappointments and heartaches?

Larry Crabb bodly declares the compassion and immeasurable grace of God our Father who desires above all else to bless His children.

I recommended this title to a friend in crisis - she laughed at the title - saying "This doesn't sound very encouraging". Oh - but this is the essence of life, we must experience the shattering to experience true grace, to appreciate the fullness of God's love, to find ourselves in total surrender to a faith that will forever change us and restore us.

I began reading this book after my husband preached a sermon about being "fully equipped" out of II Timothy. How true that God does equip us for the storms of life that batter us and threaten to destroy us.

I have a new-found respect for Larry Crabb as he teaches the doctrines of Christ and tells of the vast love and grace out of his own experience with shattered dreams. Living in the middle of a world shattered by health issues he has experienced grace and restoration and testifies of it in this powerful, life-changing book.

Thank you Waterbrook for this review copy

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