Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Truth Standing On It's Head, John N. Day

Be prepared to see the Sermon on the Mount in a new, more personal way. A person cannot read this book without visiting the foot of the cross and falling completely in love again with the Savior who loved each of so much that he willingly gave his own life for our redemption. Dr. Day does an excellent job of thoroughly discussing this passage of scripture and bringing out the truths found within it. This passage is so often read it one passing that I believe much of the truth in it is missed by Christians. Or worse yet only certain portions are studied and taken out of context creating legalism that leads to a christian walk without grace and Christ-like love. Dr. Day systematically explores the deep richness of this passage and teaches with the true heart of a pastor shepherding the flock to the Great Shepherd. He gently leads Christians to the discovery of the mercy and grace of Christ and the deep beauty of a relationship with him.

Thank you Nordskog Publishing for this review copy.

For more books by this publisher visit their website at

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