Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Samson Syndrome, Mark Atteberry

Atteberry has a writing style that is easy to read and understand - a sort of conversational style much like Lucado. This makes his books easy to understand and enjoy for most if not all readers (and even the majority of non-readers, those who don't normally pick up a book to read). The truth is that the title of this book caught my eye. My husband is a Pastor and is always looking for good books for men - we are especially interested in books that are easy to read as many of the men he councils with do not enjoy reading at all. This book address the 12 issues that impact a man's ability to spiritually lead his family and impact his spiritual growth. These are drawn directly from character and weakness of Samson himself. I thought the book was interesting to read - even as a woman and would certainly recommend this book to men and women alike. Women would benefit from reading it in the fact that they could learn to recognize these things and learn to better pray for their husbands - notice I said pray for not nag your husbands. I do not ever think it is a good idea to point out our husbands faults in a nagging or even seemingly nagging way - but rather that we support them in the changing of these habits in a respectful way. Also that we learn to model better or alternative ways. An excellent read. Plan on getting the other book as well that follows along this same pattern dealing with Solomon. Thanks to Thomas Nelson for this free review copy.

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