Praise for Power is a "365 day journey through the scriptues". I am using it with some of the other daily reading I do during my morning quiet time. It ranks as one of my favorite devotional books. I think I enjoy it most because it is not filled with stories but is filled with teaching of the scripture. Though I do enjoy devotionals where scripture is applied through stories to everyday life this book offers a little more "meat". Wiersbe is true to his style in that he takes the scripture and teaches the meaning while causing the reader to dig deeply into scripture and to examine their own heart, actions, motives, and spiritual walk.
I especially enjoy the "Something to Ponder" part of each day. After introducing the scripture and teaching the meaning and application of it there is a section that holds a few questions to think about. This is where a reader is truly challenged to apply that scripture to their own life. To ask themselves how the scripture impacts the world around them and to examine what the scripture truly means to them as an individual.
I have posed these to my husband at times, to see what his responce is in comparison to my responce. This is an excellent opportunity for couples to discuss the scriptures in debth and to become closer in the Lord and in His word. There is true power in a home when a husband and wife agree on scripture, when they study and pray and ponder scripture together.
I highly recommend this book - and any other written by this author.
The only fault I have with it - is a personal preference. I prefer devotionals that have the month and day (Jan 1, Jan 2....) opposed to Day 1, Day 2, etc. My reason is that I have 4 children who love to play with my devotional books and pretend to read them and talk about them. They are constantly removing my bookmarks so having the dates makes it easier to keep up with where I am opposed to having to remember the number of day. In this particular book the publisher had a ribbon bookmarker placed - so if you have no one to pull your bookmarker out you will be good to go.
I recieved this book from B&B Communications in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.
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