Thursday, March 3, 2011

Devotions for Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas

We are currently using the Sacred Parenting Bible Study in Monday Night Moms and are greatly enjoying it. I was excited to review this devotional book. I really appreciate the fact that this is a stand alone devotional. You do not have to read the book Sacred Parenting to appreciate and use it. Gary Thomas gathered new material that further expands on the lessons taught in the bible study and book. Much like Devotions for a Sacred Marriage it has 52 devotions - one for each week of the year. The purpose is for couples to study this devotional one night out of the week and other devotionals the rest of the week. In this way the material studied can be prayed about and put into practice for one week before moving on to the next subject. For couples just starting to have a devotional time together this is a great way to start. Often one night a week is easier than five nights. I would encourage couples to pick up other devotionals or bible studies for the remaining nights.
Thank you Zondervan for this review copy.

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