Friday, May 13, 2011

Resisting Temptation, Jim Burns

This bible study is part of the Uncommon series - and you just can't go wrong with these!

Jim Burns has done it again - tackled a sensitive and important subject with tact and grace!

In this sex-saturated, pornographic society teens face temptation on every side. From the Internet, cell phones, satellite TV, and raunchy movies (obviously rated incorrectly) teens are bombarded with charged images, veiled comments, innuendos, and obscene lifestyles. They have ready access to drugs, alcohol, pornographic material (in the form of movies, sexting, television and printed material), alternative lifestyles (once a hidden thing now openly and even proudly spoken of and practiced). With all this many teens find it almost impossible to stay on the straight path. In fact they struggle just to fit in and get by.

In this bible study teens are given biblical standards and practical ways to follow them. This study will cause teens to look closely at these subjects in light of scripture and will give them the courage, power, and ability to stand against the false promises of the Liar of this world.

Empower your teen to success in the area of resisting temptation. Give them the biblical tools needed for the battle Field they are in - they are after all on the front lines! We would shudder at the thought of sending our young men off to battle with out adequate training - and we would not dare to send untrained military forces into the trenches of war or across the enemy lines. Yet many teens enter their teen years untrained, and ill-equipped for the battle that they face. They are in the enemy's territory - on the front lines, in the very trenches of the battle for their soul and their future.

I encourage parents to work through this with their children. It is also excellent for youth groups.

Thank You Gospel Light for this review copy.

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