Friday, January 6, 2012

Lucky, Craig Inglis

This endearing story of a man and his dog teaches a deeper principle of over-coming obstacles and adversities.

When the man's best-friend dog gets run over by a car and loses his leg the dog must relearn everything. With the help of the man this dog overcomes the trials and teaches that no matter what the obstacle with a little determination things turn out good. I liked that in the end the dog did all his tricks better with only three legs.

This book is a great spring board for discussions concerning physically disabled people. It teaches the principle that despite these things a person is still talented and viable - able to accomplish many of the same things they did before or would have done despite the disability. I think there is also an underlying thought that we should all be sensitive to those with disabilities and that we should also be the one to encourage the best in people.

I recommend this book to school teachers and to parents alike.

I received a free copy of this book directly from the author in exchange for an honest review of the product. As a mother of 4 children I can say that it was great. My children enjoyed the illustrations and the discussion of what it would be like to lose a leg, arm, or be in a wheel chair. We also discussed how we can help those with disabilities while encouraging them to strive for excellence in their endeavors. We talked about how it would be easy to get discouraged if you thought you were not the same as others and if it were harder for you to do things.

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