Saturday, June 1, 2013

YGod, Danielle D'Souza

YGod is a book written to address some of the toughest questions surrounding Christianity. It is written by a young Christian who's familial roots are in India and Hinduism. I am sure being of this origin she has faced many questions as to her reasoning for leaving Hinduism or not following Hinduism for Christianity. I found the book to be very interesting and good. I would recommend it most to teens who find themselves in the crisis of faith of trying to decide why they do choose God. What is it that sets the God apart from all the other gods of this world. This author presents biblical as well as secular facts that support the Truth of the Word of God. I believe it to be an encouraging and worthwhile read for those struggling with the answer to these questions or those who feel they must defend their Christian faith. Thanks Regal for this review copy.

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