Thursday, July 11, 2013

Psalm 91 for Mothers, Peggy Joyce Ruth

This is one of my favorite Psalms. In fact it is part of my home school curriculum for our children. By the end of their 5th grade year they must have it memorized and be able to recite it as well as write it out. I was so excited to see a book for mothers regarding this Psalm. I think most mothers have a certain amount of anxiety over the safety and protection of our children. Most of us cling to them that first day they walk into Kindergarten - that moment when we know that someone else will be watching over our precious little one. And yes, though I home school now, I had one in public school for Kindergarten. I remember praying as I dressed her that morning and then I remember that tightness in my chest as I walked her to the classroom door and turned to leave. That moment when I realized that this day she would be in some one else care and I could not protect. I prayed all the way down the hallway "Lord please let her fit in, please let everyone be nice, please keep the bully away...." and so on and so on. Had I read this book then I think my anxiety would have been less. Peggy Royce Ruth teaches mother's to tap into power of God's promise of provision and safety for you children, yourself and your family. I love the fact that this book is written in a very personal format, filled with testimonials, and personal experience. She has done an excellent job of breaking this Psalm down verse by verse and exposing God's heart for his children. I think this is written in such a way that it makes it easy to use this as a daily or weekly devotional. Either taking a section for a day or taking an entire week to memorize a verse and study the section dealing with that verse. By the end of the book this Psalm is readily in a mother's heart and instantly on the lips in prayer when anxious or worried feelings come up. Thanks to Charisma house for this review copy.

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