Thursday, November 25, 2010

10 Building Blocks for a Solid Home, Jim Burns

I am familiar with Jim Burns' youth ministry resources, bible studies and curriculum. This book is no less impressive. I began reading it on Thursday and finished the next day. In this book he shares 10 key areas that parents need to look at and make adjustments so as to make a warm and secure home environment for their children. The goal of the book is to encourage parents to make the investment early in their children's lives so that later relationships are easy to maintain and enjoyable.

I would recommend this book to all of my friends. I really liked the fact that the book is filled with scriptures as well as research and information from other authors such as Gary Smalley and other relationship "experts". The overall theme is to seek the kingdom of God first - making God a priority in your family, the center, and the focus.

The issues addressed are (1) The power of being there: not only physically but emotionally. This ends with a list for creative and practical ways to spend quality time with your child. (2) Parenting with AWE (Affection, Warmth, Encouragement). In this chapter Jim Burns makes the statement that "Every child needs someone who is irrationally positive about them" (page 30). (3) Build Healthy Morals and Values. This chapter was filled with such interesting statistics about the things kids faced - it was truly eye-opening. (4) Discipline with Consistency. This does not mean consistently swing a paddle either. It means showing your child what consequences are. This chapter encourages parents to "make a combine effort to figure out {their} discipline strategy then stick to it" (p. 71). He points out to parents that "Quality parenting is the most important legacy you will leave to this world..." (p.70). (5) Ruthlessly Eliminate Stress. Talk about convicting this is it. (6) Communication is Key. This is the chapter where he addresses some of the 5 love languages and the benefits to using them. (7) Play. This chapter was one of my favorites. It addresses the importance of play among the entire family stating that "families need a little fun to break the tension and stress of living together under the same roof" (p120). He also states that "play opens closed spirits and heals broken marriages" (p 122) - I could not agree with this more. In play all walls come down and joy overflows - what a wondrous place to be. (8) Love your spouse. Don't overlook this chapter. It is excellent. So many times the marriage relationship is neglected after children enter the scene. We must invest in this relationship for the sake of the union and for the sake of the children. Leonard Sweet, author of Learn to Dance the Soul Salsa was quoted as saying, "One of the best gifts parents can bequeath to children is the example of two people in love bound together in a vibrant covenant relationship." (9)Financial stewardship. This was excellent. I love the ideas of how to teach this to children and how to proactively live it out in front of your children. I love the quote in this chapter that states, "When it comes to money, small things are small things, but faithfulness in small things is a big thing". (10) Spiritual Growth. This chapter focuses on the fact that we must teach our children the discipline of bible study and prayer.

Each chapter concludes with discussion questions that are excellent. One must truly evaluate ones self. This would be an excellent book for a couple to work on together and to even do within a couples small group as a study. Parenting is teamwork, taking both the husband and wife. There is truth in the fact the old saying "it takes a village to raise a child". This book encourages finding other couples that share your values and goals and to meet and pray with on a regular basis. This will give you others that will offer support and ideas on parenting.

Excellent book. Thank you Regal Publishing for this review copy.

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