Saturday, December 18, 2010

Real Life Discipleship, Jim Putman

SCMD - Share, Connect, Minister, Disciple. Such a simple strategy and yet so many fail to do it. I really enjoyed this book and the simple plan for discipleship laid out in its pages. I admire the work that Pastor Jim Putman put into this. After reviewing this book I am interested in purchasing the training manual and taking our youth group through it. We all need to be discipled and it is a sad fact brought out in this book and evident in our churches that many people are left undescipled. We are comfortable sharing the gospel but when it comes to training a young christian or helping them as they grow we are often sadly equiped and unsure of ourselves. This book serves to encourage those who are saved to grow to a point of being able to disciple others so that those they disciple can in turn disciple. We are in troublesome times, our battle is for eternity. It would be absurd to recruit a man to the military, hand him a gun and set him out on the battle field. Yet this is what is happening when a new christian is not discipled - we have set them up for death or capture by the enemy. Let us take more seriously this thing we call christianity - making it our lifestyle not simply a religion or denomination. This book will encourage you and equip you for the task of discipling.
Thank you NavPress for this review copy.

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